- Coordinated Entry Toolkit
- Section 1: Planning
- Section 2: Implementation
- Section 3: Data Collection
- Section 4: Evaluation
- i. Evaluation Checklist
- ii. HUD and HEARTH Requirements
- iii. Performance-Based Contracting
- iv. Setting Performance Measures
- v. Evaluation Process Models
- vi. Evaluation Challenges and Tips
- vii. Evaluation Resources
NOTE: This toolkit was published by Building Changes in 2013 to help counties meet a 2014 state mandate that all counties have a coordinated entry system for clients entering the homeless system. It has not been updated since then and does not necessarily reflect current or best practice.
Review what is intended to be evaluated
- If other strategies of systems change are part of coordinated entry, either formally or informally, they should be included in the evaluation process, for example:
- Coordinated entry and tailored services
- Coordinated entry, prevention, and rapid re-housing
- Coordinated entry that included discharge planning
Review expected outcomes of the evaluation process—be sure they are realistic about what is being evaluated
- An evaluation of coordinated entry should have outcomes that are relevant to the purpose of coordinated entry (to streamline access, assessment, and referral processes for housing and other services).
Identify results-focused outcome
- For example: reduction of time in shelter and transitional housing, returns to homelessness, and time from intake to referral.
Review HEARTH requirements (see HUD and HEARTH Requirements)
- Confirm that with data collected, the evaluation process can measure outcomes for the coordinated entry system that can indicate a positive movement toward expected HEARTH (including CoC) outcomes.
Review what data will be collected and from what systems
- For example: HMIS, parallel systems, associated systems, and surveys.
Assign responsibility to appropriate entities for gathering the data that will be used for the evaluation process as needed
- For example: county for HMIS and parallel systems; agencies for client surveys; lead agency for partner-agency surveys and to develop evaluation forms (surveys and questionnaires).
Determine who will lead the evaluation process, merge the data, and interpret the results of the evaluation. Are tools needed for data analysis?
- Consider this Coordinated Assessment Evaluation Tool from the National Alliance to End Homelessness. Although this tool can measure more than a coordinated entry system, it can be helpful as an analysis-tool template.
Set an evaluation schedule
- For example: conduct HMIS data review every quarter; outcomes of referrals and housing stability every six months; and cross-systems data review yearly for effect of coordinated systems on reducing homelessness.