Student Homelessness Data: Local and On-Demand

Published: September 29, 2019

Our dashboards offer instant access to the latest data broken down by school district, legislative district, and county

Schoolhouse Washington, a project of Building Changes, provides an interactive online resource for viewing community-level student homelessness data.

Our Local Data and Outcomes Dashboards feature data from 2017-18 (the most recent school year available), broken down by individual school districts, legislative districts, and counties. Using a drop-down menu, users can search and find local data for the following:

  • The number and percentage of students experiencing homelessness.
  • The percentage of students experiencing homelessness who are students of color.
  • The number and percentage of students experiencing homelessness by grade band (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12).
  • The percentage of students experiencing homelessness by nighttime residence (doubled-up, hotels/motels, shelters, and unsheltered).
  • Outcome rates for students experiencing homelessness—with comparisons to their housed peers—in attendance, English language arts proficiency, mathematics proficiency, and on-time high school graduation.

The dashboards also display helpful definitions and context when users hover over certain data points.

The tool has been designed to protect student privacy, in accordance with requirements of the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. As a result, some data points, including those for many small school districts, are suppressed from the dashboards.

For a comprehensive analysis of statewide student homelessness data, see our report: Students Experiencing Homelessness in Washington’s K-12 Public Schools: Trends, Characteristics, and Academic Outcomes, 2015-2018.

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