Schoolhouse Washington comments on state’s ESSA plan

Published: September 12, 2017

Schoolhouse Washington comments on state’s ESSA plan

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal law that is designed to support states in providing education that is equitable, meets high academic standards, and helps students who need extra help, like students experiencing homelessness. Washington issued a draft ESSA state plan for comments from the public, with a deadline of September 5. Schoolhouse Washington submitted comments, along with The Mockingbird Society.

Our comments complimented the state for tracking and reporting performance data for homeless students and others. We also made two recommendations regarding students experiencing homelessness:

  • Having the same standards for achievement for students experiencing homelessness as for their peers
  • Including information about the availability of extracurricular activities and provision of school credit

Read the full comments submission by clicking on the link below.

Read our full comments

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