Recording of a 4/15/15 webinar focused on ways housing providers and schools can collaborate to support students and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, highlighting practices in different communities across Washington State. Featured panelists:
- Jean Blackburn, McKinney Vento Liaison, Highline School District
- Kristy Johnson, Director of Housing Initiatives, King County Housing Authority
- Roxana Parise, Homeless Liaison, Bellingham School District
- Jennifer Martin, Homeless Service Coordinator, SNAP (Spokane)
- Leslie Camden Goold, McKinney Vento Liaison, Central Valley School District
Moderated by Cary Retlin of the Washington State Dept. of Commerce and hosted by the Vulnerable Families Partnership, a collaboration between the Dept. of Commerce, DSHS, Governor’s Office, and Building Changes to improve services for families at risk of homelessness.